Flower Phnom Penh shop accept the following payment

- PayPal is a secure payment gateway
- ABA Bank
- Account #000279608
- Account Name: Heng Sovathanak
- Swift Code ABAAKHPP
- Western Union or Money gram to
- Heng Sovathanak,
- Tel: +855 89 828384
- How to process the order
Login our website www.Flower2PhnomPenh.com
- Select the item that you need to purchase, then add to cart
- on Shopping cart page please select delivery date & time
- please input the message on card (required field)
- Then press to check out,
- Then it will bring you to check out page and please fill in sender, recipient, shipping and payment information then place your order
- after you completed the order you will receive email to let you make the payment by scan the QR Code. (KHQR code, or PayPal QR Code)
If you have any questions/comments please contact us by
The Flower Phnom Penh Shop
| Shop 112C, Street 320, S/K BKK3, Phnom Penh.
| (: (855) 99 88 89 90
| Telegram
:+855 89 828384
| WhatsApp
:+855 89 828384
| *: flower2phnompenh@gmail.com
| :: www.Flower2PhnomPenh.com